If it goes into a house, we'll have it at Landry's!
Browse our catalogue and if you don't see what you're looking for, let us know and we'll get it for you. We carry a full line of indoor and outdoor paints and stains, flooring, including floating floors, pre-finished hardware, ceramic and cushion floor. We stock all types of wood, trim siding, windows, roofing materials, chimney packages, doors for inside and out, plumbing, electrical and heating supplies. Contractors and do-it-yourselfers in St. Peters and area in Nova Scotia, count on us for selection, service and expert advice.
We'd like to help with your house, garage, shed or deck. Our draftsman will work with you. Ask about our packages or tell us a bit about your custom project.
Let's get started. Request a quote right now, or contact us. Read more about Landry's and our 75-year history.
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